Ferenc Berend - TMG member
Tag: podcast
Ferenc Berend - TMG member
Zoltán Szabó, Ede Kis - TMG members
Ferenc Berend - TMG member
Attila Szabó - TMG President
Ferenc Berend - TMG member
Ferenc Berend - TMG member
Csaba Keszegh, Péter Tamási, Vitália Víg - TMG members
On 16 March 2023, the 29th "Peach Blossom Day and Pruning Demonstration" was held in Szatymaz, organised by the Peach Growers Association of the Southern Great Plain and the Municipality of Szatymaz. The main topic of this year's event was soil protection and soil quality. The event was also attended by TMG members Attila Kökény and István Zomborszki Attila Kökény. Károly Vas Károly, peach grower from Zákányszék, highlighted [...]
Yes, regenerative farming can be applied to all soil types. The methods and practices can be adapted to different soil conditions and are therefore effective in all cases.
Regenerative farming can be used on any scale, from flower pots to thousands of hectares of farmland. The methods and techniques can be adapted regardless of size.
Yes, it is. Even in areas with low rainfall of 250 mm per year, cover crops are successfully grown all over the world. Using various techniques and methods, germination and growth of cover crops can be ensured in such conditions.