Our objective


Green Hungary in winter and summer! Together we will prevent the desertification of the Carpathian Basin.


Practical demonstrations and knowledge transfer on soil renewal and soil health.


The aim of the TMG association is to adapt the system of soil regeneration agriculture (TMMG) in Hungary and to enable its successful and efficient application. In order to achieve this, the association launches experiments and research projects with its own funding. The results are used to produce professional articles and educational material. In addition, our association is also involved in translating foreign literature into Hungarian and translating professional videos to ensure the widest possible learning opportunities for our members. We organise professional days, farmer visits, meetings and conferences for an effective exchange of experiences.

Social engagement is also one of our key objectives. We make the basics of soil regeneration understandable and accessible to all actors in society. By understanding how natural systems work, we will become responsible farmers and responsible consumers, and move closer to the key trinity of healthy soil - healthy plants - healthy people.
