Terms and conditions for the Soil Renewal Gazda (TMG)

In soil regeneration agriculture (in other words, regenerative agriculture), the soil health internationally agreed principles, which are based on 5 main elements :

  • Variety of plants: crop rotation, co-sowing, flowering strips, buffer zones.
  • Reducing soil disturbance: minimum tillage (no soil rotation, no mixing of soil sections), no-till, strip-till.
  • Continuously maintained living root system (there is living vegetation in the area for as much of the year as possible).
  • Permanent mulching: the use of cover crops outside the growing season, or when there is no vegetation, plant remains are left on the soil surface.
  • Controlled grazing

TMGazda is managed according to soil health guidelines. The soil regeneration farming system is based on nature and soil biology. Local climate and soil quality vary from landscape to landscape. There are no specific technological specifications due to the complexity of the soil regeneration system and the diversity of geographic conditions. It is therefore very important to have an exchange of principles and cooperation between farmers and soil regenerators.

The farmer who embarks on the path of soil restoration follows a gradual process. The transition is made in cooperation with nature and the soil, listening to the feedback from the system. This type of agriculture requires constant thinking, adaptation and creativity as our farm continues to evolve towards healthy, renewed soil.

Our members respect the following criteria

This is how we do it:

  • Soil renewal is based on a system without rotation. We expect our members to reach minimum tillage in a maximum of 3 years. We are aware that many farms are struggling with asset park problems; replacing these takes time 
  • The ultimate goal is to get to no-till, if possible. Depending on soil, availability of equipment and other factors, this could take 2-8 years. 


Cover crops and mulches for soil life:

  • Use of cover crops: whenever possible, cover crops are sown between the main crops, taking into account the crop rotation, weather conditions and avoiding economic damage.
  • Mulching: agro-technical solutions are sought to avoid mixing stalk residues on the soil surface into the soil. This is done in order to keep the soil covered and protected from erosion, intense heat fluctuations and the soil-destroying effects of raindrops. 


We support natural systems and receive ecological services:

  • We will create flowering strips and wooded buffer zones, taking into account the size of the panels and the landscape, to help improve the local microclimate and increase the habitat and diversity of insect species.
  • We use T-trees to help predatory birds that feed on rodents. 

What do we do?

    • We use direct projection
    • Reasonably minimum cultivation 
    • Using cover crops according to weather and crop rotation
    • Create wooded and flowering strips, use T-trees 
    • Reasonable nutrient replenishment based on soil sampling and, if possible, on the results of leaf and leaf fluid analysis
    • Minimal use of chemicals, based on prevention
    • Reduced dose herbicide use 
    • Soil inoculation with diverse (preferably compost-based) biological preparations
    • Core management
    • Use of natural soil improvers
    • Reducing our use of fossil energy
    • If grazing is practised, holistic guidelines are followed

What we do not do:

  • Rotational cultivation
  • Excessive, unwise cultivation without rotation (excessive numbers of passes)
  • Removing plant debris from panels
  • Rodenticides with chemical agents (up to the limit of the rodent damage threshold)
  • Excessive and unjustified use of inputs