Not just for beginners...
In March, Mykhaylo Draganchuk's book No-Till for Beginners will be published in Hungarian. It will be useful for those who want to switch to no-till or have been trying for a while but have many questions. It's a concise, technical document without pictures.
Although Gabe Brown's book, Life from Dust, is already available here, it is more of an insight into regenerative agriculture, with the author sharing his own experiences to give a theoretical background.
Mykhaylo Draganchuk, the Ukrainian farmer, has brought a completely different tone to the table: on 150 pages he is very concise and succinct, so it is safe to say that this is the first professional book on the subject in Hungarian, and it is also the first to be published with Hungarian aspects.
It is expected to be out of print in March, thanks to the Soil Restoration Farmers Association, who have led the translation, undertaken the peer review and funded the whole project.
To purchase the book, click on the button.