Farmers' Forum -
Strip-till technology on nearly 70-bedded clay soils

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Gyomaendrőd | On the board of Kis Ede
Thursday 22 June, 2023

Pictorial report

Video report

They said about our previous training

"I talked to a lot of interesting people. Some of them were complete beginners, pathfinders, and I hope they enjoyed this experience of a world full of life as much as I did. I'm looking forward to the next sessions. Thank you very much for the opportunity to be part of the Event."
"I really liked the fact that Flórián, when he had no experience, was honest and said that was the next step. His translation was also perfect. All credit to him."
"I've been trying cover crops for a few years now, with more success in a small plot rather than less. But I've had a lot of answers here about what I've got wrong. Encouragement is important and I feel like I've gotten a serious positive "push" for the whole technology again."

Farmers' Forum

Strip-till technology on nearly 70-bedded clay soils

How to grow safely on extremely compacted soils without damaging the soil? This is the question of Ede Kis's Education Day, and he will share his experiences on the subject, assisted by Krisztián Csizmás.

Ede on the way to the no-till strip-tillagewhich, on average, provides a solution for soils with an average of 68 percent tilth to ensure a relatively even yield with as little disturbance as possible.

We will cover the theoretical background of regenerative farming in the first part of the training day, and then move on to the practical after a short flame-washing session. Mechanical and other technical issues will be covered, as well as the actual practice of farming - not only strip-tillage, but also min-till and no-till.

Host and hostess: Ede Kis
Moderator: Krisztián Csizmás


Thursday 22 June, 2023

Gyomaendrőd - On the board of Kis Ede
Between km 11 and 12 of the road 4231 connecting Gyomaendrőd and Dévaványa you have to turn off onto a dirt road, along which you will find the sign.
GPS coordinates: 46.976665, 20.836526

9:15 - 09:45


10:00 - 12:00

Theoretical background

Welcome, introduction of TMG Association: Krisztián Csizmás - TMG member.
Introduction of the host, farming conditions (soil types, crops) - Ede Kis
Problems - and solutions to them:
- The difficulties of soil cultivation - structure destruction, cost and time aspects.
- Soil hydrology - increasing frequency and management of extreme weather events.
- Nutrients - poor nutrient uptake, high input costs.
- Positive vintage effect as a stimulus to start thinking in a regenerative direction.
The theoretical part of TMG:
- Framework - putting the 5 principles into practice and their impact.
- Getting started on the soil-building journey - how to start, what steps to take.
- Cover crop options - sowing dates, plant varieties, freezing, non-freezing, choice depending on weather and microclimate, their impact on water balance...
- Better use of nutrient capital, N fixation.
- The dirty money: worth it, not worth it (cost comparison of different technologies).

12:00 - 12:30


12:30 - 14:30

Part about practice

Visual inspection of soil, shovel test, penetrometer
What to know about spring sowing (catches)
- No-till - pros and cons, whether to till in spring, with what and how.
- Strip-till - pros and cons, timing of strip-tillage, spring tillage options.
- In both technologies, demonstration of the machines, stem residue handling, fertilizer application, and closing of the pits.
Autumn sowing (cereals, vetch, peas): no-till and min-till technology options, stem residue management, introduction to RAD seed drills.
Viewing of a sunflower table (blonde vetch + rye in a cover crop):
- Visual inspection of soil condition, comparison of strip and row, comparison of sunflower development in strip and no-till, effect of early and late spring termination on sunflower development.
We move to a nearby field where we compare two strip-till sunflower fields: one with no cover crop wheat, the other with a grassy vetch + rye cover crop
In a far field, a no-till winter barley field sown in wheat stubble can be seen.
The educational day will include a demonstration of an Avers-Agro band cultivator, an Avers-Agro spoke harrow, a RAD grain drill and a John Deere 1750 seed drill.
The organisers reserve the right to change the programme and the dates.
The event will be video, audio and video recorded.

Meet our host

Ede Kis in Gyomaendrőd in Peace County 259 hectares under arable crops. It currently produces winter cereals, sunflower, beech and oil radish. 

In 2007, he started to switch to tillage based on loosening and shallow tillage.Since 2016, he has been experimenting with direct seeding and cover crops, and will be using strip-till technology on a commercial scale from autumn 2022.

He has been a member of the TMG Association since its foundation.

Its terrain is former rice fields: 60-70 kA deep permafrost soils.

Krisztián Csizmás comes from a farming family, his parents were involved in animal husbandry, he went into crop production.

Farms 140 hectares around Abony, the without filming in the last five years.

There are direct seeding experiments and min-till areas, as well as areas where the seedbed is reclosed with a straight knife loosener and heavy roller, for example in maize. He had direct seeded wheat after sunflowers. He hopes to get to no-till next year.

Registration for the event

Participation fee: 20.000 HUF
Application deadline: 22 June 2023.

Participation is subject to registration and is valid upon payment of the participation fee.
In case of rain, we will hold the education day in the same place, so everyone should bring wellies and raincoats.
We prepare with flame gas, drinking water.

How to apply:

Frequently asked questions

We recommend it primarily to those who are interested in strip cropping, who have experience in soil conservation technologies or who are just starting out. It is useful for those who farm on very compacted soils.

In all cases, we organise the training day outdoors. If we get a little rain, we'll get through it in wellies and raincoats.

We will be exposed, in the fields, where there is no shade. We ask you to bring a hat, an umbrella if you can't stand the hot sun.

There is only one reason for this: you did not enter your e-mail address correctly when registering. We've automated the registration process, so if you're in any doubt about anything, call the number provided during the day or email

We will prepare a flame, we will specify who wants what when you register. Also, we will provide drinking water in demijohns, so please bring a flask or cup or canteen. We would like to reduce the amount of pet bottles going into the trash. Thank you!

If you cannot find the answer you are looking for on this page, please email and one of our colleagues will be happy to answer you!