About us

The soil of our association was prepared by the Kukutyin Soil Life Conference organized in 2016, which was initiated by Attila Szabó and attended by a handful of farmers ready for change. At that time, we did not know that we would become an official organization. We only knew that our soils were being destroyed, that they required more and more chemicals, and that there were more and more economic challenges. Attila Kökény, the most significant Hungarian advocate of soil regeneration agriculture (TMMG), was the main support and inspiration for the farmers who appeared here. Through his presentations, we were touched by the wind of change and the desire to change, and he was the one who presented an alternative to mainstream agriculture that filled us with great hope and enthusiasm. We wanted to learn and experience. Some of us had less others had more experience in the field of using cover crops, no-till, strip-till or direct sowing. During the year, we continued to work and experiment in our own farms, helping each other.

The concept of soil regeneration agriculture was created because of unanswered questions. When I started farming, coming from the IT side, I started planning my small farm with analysis. The basic question immediately arose, why do you need to plow when crops are grown on hundreds of millions of hectares worldwide without any soil work? No one could answer the question in an understandable way, so I started to adapt the system of regenerative farming and now hundreds of Hungarian producers prove that the application of the 5 basic principles of soil health ensures healthy soil, a healthy environment and healthy food in Hungary as well.

The seed of the association was planted in the well-prepared soil the following year, at the second Soil Life Conference, where new and old greeted each other as friends. The fellow farmers illustrated their first or later steps with colorful reports, being particularly happy about every earthworm, fungus and water-free area. At the conferences, in addition to the farmers' presentations, guest experts shared the theoretical and practical background of TMMG, soil microbiology, ecological plant protection, composting and other related fields and technologies.

The association sprouted for the third conference, and the following year we already announced the event in the form of an association meeting.

We believe that this way, in the form of an association, we can really effectively represent the cause of soil renewal. The members of the association help each other along this not at all simple path, which radically changes the established patterns of thinking. We believe and see that this is the way, this is the future. Building, revitalizing, and not continuing to destroy and exploit, is what feeds and serves humanity and restores the health of soils. We do not want to keep the knowledge and experience gained over the years to ourselves. Agriculture must change so that our children and grandchildren can have food on their plates. Food that gives life and nourishes. We need to sequester carbon in the soil, in as large area as possible, as soon as possible. It is the basis of all life, the driving force of all soil and the engine of the natural nutrient cycle. In the increasingly variable weather conditions, this is the only way we can retain water in the soil, so we can reduce drought damage and prevent problems caused by excess water. It is also the most suitable method for stopping soil erosion.

TMMG's system goes well beyond common sense. This is the path of the good farmer who is sensitive, curious, self-motivated, able to notice and apply the patterns of nature, and who is willing to treat the piece of land entrusted to him with responsibility.

Our association is as diverse as a natural system. Many of our members are represented, from those who operate the smallest garden farms to largescale farmers with 1,000 ha. If you are ready for a change, we welcome you among our members.


How to join our association!

  1. Find two association members who would like to refer you! If you only have one member referral, we'll pay you a host visit. 
  2. Send a short description of yourself to info@tmg.hu-ra. It can be a simple word document with a few photos. Tell us in a few sentences:  
  • where and how much land you farm,
  • when you started, how you got started,
  • when you switched, when you started producing without rotation,
  • which crop rotation you use,
  • what cover crops you work with,
  • what is the idea, what is the goal, where are you going.

And include some photos that you think would show your farm, illustrate who you are and what you do on your land. Include your contact details (phone, email)!

Twice a year, at its January and June meetings, the association's membership decides who to admit to its ranks from among the applicants, for a two-year probationary period. Once this period has expired, you become a full member! 
